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Russian children celebrate Putin's birthday with exceedingly creepy music video

It may haunt your dreams.

YESTERDAY, RUSSIAN PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin celebrated his 62nd birthday.

To mark the occasion, this group of children were enlisted to sing Happy Birthday to him in arguably the creepiest music video ever made.

The video features children singing a haunting version of Happy Birthday, while marvelling at Russia, making cakes for Putin and wrapping birthday presents.

Here are two children looking at Putin on the internet.

putin1 Source: Imgur

Two more singing in front of a map of Russia.

putin5 Source: Imgur

Just some kids sitting around, admiring Russian infrastructure.

putin6 Source: Imgur

Three little girls slaving over a cake for Putin.


And an actual baby struggling to carry a giant gift for Putin in her tiny arms.

putin4 Source: Imgur

Like we said: creepy.

Source: hitrushki/YouTube

This wasn’t the only slightly off-kilter celebration held for the Russian leader. There was a giant parade in Chechnya reportedly attended by 100,000 people, as well as an art exhibition depicting him as Hercules held in his honour.

Meanwhile, Putin took yesterday off work to spend the day in Siberia “some 300 to 400 kilometers from the closest inhabited place.”

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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